If you are outside the EU, then read this!
All the prices we display on our site have to be, by law, inclusive of European Sales Tax. If you are outside the EU please use the code TaxReturn in the Coupon box during checkout to remove the sales tax.
Why is this necessary?Because this website uses a safe and secure shopping cart system which is based in the USA, where they have no idea how things work in Europe... We are doing our best to convince then they have to resolve this but in the meantime we have to work with the coupon code
Is this for everyone outside the EU?Yes! If you are based outside the EU then this applies to you. If you are unsure how this applies to you or how to proceed then please send us an e-mail with your requirements and we'll happily work out a price for you!
What if I'm in the EU?Simply use the site as normal, do not use the Tax Return coupon as we can't accept your order without charging you sales tax if you are a european resident.