MSC Moto Steering damper kit for KTM EXC 2012-22 (under handlebars)
per item
100% Australian made
No Headshake
Better Stability
Stay on track
Comfort at speed
This kit includes:
- Axis damper unit
- Handle bar riser (please note this will raise your bars ~25mm)
- Lower bar clamp
- Spigot post
- Bolt kit
- Instruction manual
This kit will raise your handle bars height by ~25mm.
Why use a steering damper?
Compare a steering damper to a shock absorber. Riding without shock absorbers will have your bike bouncing all over the place and make it hard to control. The shock absorber dampens the up and down movement, prevents the bike from bottoming out and violently bouncing up and down when riding bad roads. The steering damper does exactly the same but then for the side to side movement of the front wheel. It dampens sudden movements when riding on rocky terrain, and keeps the bike tracking true when riding in sand. It helps to prevents the handlebars been whacked out of your hands when the front wheel hits a rock or rut and makes for a more enjoyable and safer ride.
Steering dampers are adjustable. Both to allow for rider preference and to compensate for different terrain. Adjustments can be made on the fly by a conveniently placed central adjuster on top of the unit.
Why MSC Moto steering dampers?
We know the guys at MSC Moto really well from our time in Australia. We love their passion for engineering, their quality of workmanship, technical knowledge and top quality machining. Their steering dampers are, in our humble opinion, simply the best ones available. That's why we chose to work with MSC Moto steering dampers on all our Nomad-ADV kits.
Steering dampers are adjustable. Both to allow for rider preference and to compensate for different terrain. Adjustments can be made on the fly by a conveniently placed central adjuster on top of the unit.
Why MSC Moto steering dampers?
We know the guys at MSC Moto really well from our time in Australia. We love their passion for engineering, their quality of workmanship, technical knowledge and top quality machining. Their steering dampers are, in our humble opinion, simply the best ones available. That's why we chose to work with MSC Moto steering dampers on all our Nomad-ADV kits.
The 7 reasons to fit a steering damper:
1. They reduce headshake - an undeniable fact!
Steering dampers, by their very nature, dampen steering movement and thus headshake. You can try to get rid of headshake by modifying the suspension which is a bit like trying to drill a hole with a screwdriver. The suspension is not designed to reduce headshake. If it works at all, means there will be a number of compromises to be made in the suspension setup. The outcome is unclear, definitely not ideal and usually results in a bike that steers slower or suspension that is softer or harder than desired. Or you can let the suspension concentrate on what it does best and let the steering damper handle the steering.
2. They reduce the effect of wheel deflection
This is actually a major factor steering dampers deal with without you knowing it. It's like a little set of helping hands grabbing the bars for you when you hit something you did not and will not ever see! They only allow the oil to pass through the chamber at a set rate and therefor the handlebars will not smash around to 47 degrees in a nano second and put you on your face. Even if you bike has no headshake this is the biggest benefit of all!
3. They stop weaving in sand
We've all been there, you hit a sandy patch or sandy road and suddenly the bike is all over the place. It's like it has a mind of its own. It's not a suspension problem but simply heavy sand with ruts that will pull the front wheel left and right and make you fight the bike just to stay on. A steering damper prevents the left to right pulling, stabilises the bike and you enjoy the right much more!
4. Better corner entry
Ever came into a corner and had a rut grab the front wheel and pull it up the wall of the rut in a split second? Or steer into a loose surface corner too quick and tuck the front wheel in? A steering damper will all but eliminate it by preventing the sudden jerky nano second movement.
5. Water crossings
Getting caught out by the rocks hidden under water isn't our favourite. Suddenly you hit that rock, it whacks the handlebars out of your hands and down you go. If you're lucky you just end up being soaking wet, Murphy's Law dictates that your knee will hit that other rock though … A steering damper dampens the sideways movement and keeps the bike on the intended path
6. They reduce fatigue
Steering dampers stabilise the steering. The bike feels more planted, doesn't deviate off course and you're not fighting a bike which tries to fling you off all day.
7. There are no downsides
Some claim steering dampers make the steering feel heavy, this is simply untrue! If it feels heavy then the steering damper setting is too high, so turn it down. The damping rate is all relative to a number of factors like personal feel and strength, high or low speed tracks, rough or smooth surfaces and what result you are trying to achieve from your steering damper. That's why MSCMoto steering dampers are adjustable. Use a higher setting for fast riding on rutted surfaces, to get a firmer feel and if you want to feel the bike less twitchy. Use a lower setting for quick steering and only want the damper for added security. MSCMoto steering dampers are fully adjustable on the fly!
As you can read above, a steering damper is a genuine way to improve your ride without compromising the suspension and completely change the way it feels over bumps and turns. You will be able to ride with a lot more confidence and less fatigue.
Sure you can ride without a steering damper, just like you can ride without suspension. Your grandfather probably did, but even back then bikes had steering dampers… Fitting a steering damper is a bit like upgrading to long travel suspension, once you've tried it you don't want to go back (and if you're a bit like me then you'll wonder why you haven't tried it before…)
Steering dampers, by their very nature, dampen steering movement and thus headshake. You can try to get rid of headshake by modifying the suspension which is a bit like trying to drill a hole with a screwdriver. The suspension is not designed to reduce headshake. If it works at all, means there will be a number of compromises to be made in the suspension setup. The outcome is unclear, definitely not ideal and usually results in a bike that steers slower or suspension that is softer or harder than desired. Or you can let the suspension concentrate on what it does best and let the steering damper handle the steering.
2. They reduce the effect of wheel deflection
This is actually a major factor steering dampers deal with without you knowing it. It's like a little set of helping hands grabbing the bars for you when you hit something you did not and will not ever see! They only allow the oil to pass through the chamber at a set rate and therefor the handlebars will not smash around to 47 degrees in a nano second and put you on your face. Even if you bike has no headshake this is the biggest benefit of all!
3. They stop weaving in sand
We've all been there, you hit a sandy patch or sandy road and suddenly the bike is all over the place. It's like it has a mind of its own. It's not a suspension problem but simply heavy sand with ruts that will pull the front wheel left and right and make you fight the bike just to stay on. A steering damper prevents the left to right pulling, stabilises the bike and you enjoy the right much more!
4. Better corner entry
Ever came into a corner and had a rut grab the front wheel and pull it up the wall of the rut in a split second? Or steer into a loose surface corner too quick and tuck the front wheel in? A steering damper will all but eliminate it by preventing the sudden jerky nano second movement.
5. Water crossings
Getting caught out by the rocks hidden under water isn't our favourite. Suddenly you hit that rock, it whacks the handlebars out of your hands and down you go. If you're lucky you just end up being soaking wet, Murphy's Law dictates that your knee will hit that other rock though … A steering damper dampens the sideways movement and keeps the bike on the intended path
6. They reduce fatigue
Steering dampers stabilise the steering. The bike feels more planted, doesn't deviate off course and you're not fighting a bike which tries to fling you off all day.
7. There are no downsides
Some claim steering dampers make the steering feel heavy, this is simply untrue! If it feels heavy then the steering damper setting is too high, so turn it down. The damping rate is all relative to a number of factors like personal feel and strength, high or low speed tracks, rough or smooth surfaces and what result you are trying to achieve from your steering damper. That's why MSCMoto steering dampers are adjustable. Use a higher setting for fast riding on rutted surfaces, to get a firmer feel and if you want to feel the bike less twitchy. Use a lower setting for quick steering and only want the damper for added security. MSCMoto steering dampers are fully adjustable on the fly!
As you can read above, a steering damper is a genuine way to improve your ride without compromising the suspension and completely change the way it feels over bumps and turns. You will be able to ride with a lot more confidence and less fatigue.
Sure you can ride without a steering damper, just like you can ride without suspension. Your grandfather probably did, but even back then bikes had steering dampers… Fitting a steering damper is a bit like upgrading to long travel suspension, once you've tried it you don't want to go back (and if you're a bit like me then you'll wonder why you haven't tried it before…)